I first have to start off by saying ROLL TIDE!!! I am so proud of Alabama this year...they have worked so hard and it has payed off! We had a great time Saturday even though it was a messy day. We had several people to tailgate this weekend. Becca's family was able to come out and it was great seeing all of them! My friend Cyndee and her husband Dan came and so we were able to catch up since I had not seen her since her or talked to her much since her wedding in October. One of my favorite parts of tailgating is not only just watching Alabama football, but seeing and spending time with friends also...but watching the game and being in the midst of other fans is a plus too!
After the game Cyndee, Dan, Becca, Zach, Riley and I went to Chuck's Fish to eat. It was so good! It is one of my favorite places to eat. It was fun to because they had a Motown band playing so we got to listen to the band while we ate. 

The tailgate

Rileys brother Brian, Slim, Robbie & Riley