I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend and ate lots and lots of good food! If not...I am sure I ate enough for everyone!! That is one advantage of being prego during the holdiays...no guilt when I eat too much! :) We went to Riley's Aunts for a short visit and meal #1 and then headed to my Grannys for meal #2. Mom, Dad, Riley and myself headed down to Fairhope Thanksgiving night for the rest of the weekend. We got in a little shopping (not on Black Friday...wasnt up for that!), some football (Roll Tide!), more eating and lots of relaxation. 

Today I went for the 4D Ultrasound. We got lots of pictures of Anna Riley. She had her arms crossed most of the time and seemed to be sitting "Indian Style." She is still head down and her heartrate was 143. She weighs 4 lbs. 4oz and the nurse said I was measuring 31 weeks rather than 29. I think most babies at this time usually weigh about 2 1/2 -3lbs. So I am guessing she will be a bigger baby or be a little early. As long as she is healthy and fully developed, I dont care!
arms crossed
sticking out her tongue