*She still wears size 1 diapers and is wearing 0-3 and some 3-6 month clothes. I think she weighs somewhere around 12 lbs but we will find out all that at her appointment on Wed.
*She is smiling, laughing and cooing all the time now. I just love it and we are constantly trying to get her to smile.
*She has been sleeping in her crib and does great. Sometimes I still go get her after Riley leaves and bring her to bed with me for a little while and she is such a good snuggler.
*She is such a trooper. If I am running errands and getting her in and out, she does great! (I am enjoying this while it last anyway!)
*She is so alert and loves looking around now. She loves looking at her mobile on her swing.
*She still loves her hands. And often tries to stick her whole fist in her mouth!
*She really likes her pacie now.
*She likes to push up on her legs. She "exercises" all the time...kicking her legs and punching with her arms! Such a wiggle worm!
*She likes to "sprawl" out when she sleeps. She will kick any cover off and if she can she will pull her shirt up...hands are always above her head. I am guessing this is why she hated being swaddled.
*She has good control of her head. She loves to give "kisses." (If we are holding her up on our chest and kiss her, she will put her mouth on our mouth so we like to think that she is kissing us! haha
*She attended church for the first time last week and did great but has not been to the nursery yet. (I dont think I'm ready for it yet...we might try it sometime soon...maybe :)
We are so in love with our precious blessing! Its hard to think of life without her now!!