Hollyhand House

Thursday, August 20, 2009

So forgetful these days! Ireland pics

In all of my forgetfullness these days, I forgot to post some pics of Ireland. So better late than never...here is a link to the pics I posted on Facebook (yeah Im being lazy!) These are only about half of the pics we took not including the video (that is so long I cant watch it all! But it will be nice to have years later!)


Yay for 2nd Trimester

I hit the 2nd trimester on Sunday! I haven't been sick in almost 2 weeks! YAY!!! I really dont think I could have been with Kindergarteners and throwing up like I was so it really has been a blessing! I am just waiting for that energy to kick in any day now! haha I am always super tired the first few weeks of school so being pregnant just hasnt helped!

I didn't really want to tell the kids at school about me being pregnant yet because I didnt want to have to answer the "questions" and have all the belly rubbing from them. But I decided to go ahead and tell them because some of them like to come up and hug really tight and I have to pull them away. They were so funny when I told them and they gave me tons of name suggestions (which were of course their names!) And it cracks me up because everyday that say " did you get that baby out of there yet?"