Hollyhand House

Monday, December 19, 2011

Baking Cookies

Anna Riley loves to help me cook, especially when we are baking cookies.  She just doesn't understand the baking process.  She gets upset everytime they go in the oven to bake! 

We usually make chocolate chip cookies but we made sugar cookies this time so we could ice them and decorate them with sprinkles.

Anna Riley got very sprinkle happy.  I had to keep reminding her to decorate more than one cookie!

Our finished product...pretty huh?! haha  I can't blame the bad icing job on the toddler even though it looks like she did that part too! 

Riley Christmas Lunch and a Triplet Birthday

The Riley side of the family (Riley's grandmothers family)  got together in Bessemer at the Bright Star for a lunch to kick of the Christmas season!  We never get to see all of Mimi's family, so it was great to have everyone together. 

That evening, we headed to celebrate Emma, Caroline and Audrey's 3rd birthday! Can't believe these precious girls are already 3 years old!!

Is it already Christmas??

Just like everyone else, we have been super busy around here.  I feel like I have been running a marathon since Ava Kate was born.  I do bring a lot of it on myself because I don't let things such as, oh having a newborn slow us down.  In the spare time I had to blog, I was working on another project that took up all my "blogging time" so now that it is finished maybe I can get back to it. 

Here is a quick recap of somethings we have been doing this month thus far.  I plan to do separate posts with pictures in due time. 

-We started the Christmas festivties off the first weekend in Decemeber with a Christmas lunch at the Bright Star with Riley side of the family (Riley's grandmother's sisters).
-We have had a three birthday parties this month (next year it will be 5 just in Decemeber!)
-Anna Riley has taken after her Mommy and loves to bake.  We have baked cookies a few times. 
-Anna Riley really liked looking at the Christmas lights this year!
- I hosted two Christmas parties in one week at our house.  One was for my Bunko group on a Thursday night and I had planned to have my month to host be December last Christmas so it was before I knew I would have a newborn.  SO...crazy me thought we would just have a small party that weekend too! Why not?!  haha...oh the things I do to stress myself out!  Both parties were great though!
-I have a new nephew!  Riley's sister, Amanda had her first baby on Decemeber 11th! 
-Anna Riley got her first haircut!!!  I can't wait to share the pictures!
-Becca, Zoe and Evan came to visit!
-We celebrated Riley's birthday with his favorite birthday meal...Spam and Mac and cheese! (weird, I know!)
-We have did a lot of painting and Christmas crafts.  Anna Riley LOVES to do the handprint crafts.  But, now everytime we paint, she automatically starts paiting her hands!
-We went to the Earnest Christmas party this weekened...complete with my Mom's famous egg rolls!!

Pictures to come....