Hollyhand House

Friday, December 30, 2011

Santa Came to our house...

Ava Kate got up around 7 to eat and we ended up waking Anna Riley up close to 8.  I wasn't sure how she would be because she is one child that really doesn't care about opening presents.  She likes the present, but really doesn't care about opening the present or playing with the paper.  She was like that last year too!   When she came in and saw her tricycle, it was over.  That was all she needed to be happy.  I opened most of the other presents, because she just wanted to play on the tricycle.  She did decide to open a few while sitting on it! Ava Kate sat in her bouncy and watched Big Sis open everything.  She will be in on all the excitement next year.  We enjoyed seeing her eyes light up and I can't imagine how much fun the coming years will be!! 

This picture is so funny to me...She would NOT
leave the tricycle! haha

Make-up brushes like Mommy's!!