Anna Riley is constantly making us laugh with the things she does and says now. She talks NONSTOP so you never know what is going to come out!! I wanted to document a few things that she does and has said lately so I won't forget!
She is a social bug...She does not meet a stranger! When we are at the libary, doctor's office, restaurant, etc. and she sees people she doesn't know, she will ask them their name.
-While at the Mardi Gras parades in Fairhope she went up to a lady that had a nose ring in and said "Hey, what is that in your nose?" A little embarrassing!
-While waiting in line at a restaurant bathroom and having a conversation with a nice and very proper older lady, she then shouts out "Hey, are they pooping or peeing in that bathroom??" (also so embarrassing!)
-She loves to sing songs but many times she didn't know the right words so she makes up her own (I might be guilty of this as well!!)
-She told me the other day that I was so "diculous", I ask her if she meant ticklish and she said "No you are diculous!"...which we found out meant Ridiculous! I had a conversation with her earlier that day that the playroom was just ridiculous because they had made such a mess!
-The next day she told me I wasn't "diculous" anymore that I was "jealous"...she has heard me say that when she thinks she has to be held when AK is in my lap or something...I have said "are you being jealous?"
-She can be SO sweet it just melts my heart! She is such a cuddler, too! Sometimes when we are cuddling, she will give me and Eskimo kiss and she will whisper "Hugga Mugga" (from Daniel tiger) and then if she tells me Thank you for something she will sing the song from Daniel tiger also that says "Thank you...everything you do, thank you!"
-She uses words like awesome and so cool all the time. Or she will say that is so great! I think Awesome is her favorite to use!
-When getting ready for bed this past Sunday, she laid down and said "This is the best day ever!"...I later remembered that it came from Tangled! haha!
-She loves to sing and dance... when we are in the car sometimes, she will say "Hey, Mommy...turn that music up!"...she gets that from her Daddy!!
-She likes to play Rileys old guitar while she sings the b-i-b-l-e!
I know there are tons more but that is all I can think of now! I am sure I will need to do these posts quite often. I just don't want to forget all the funny things she does and says right now.
Hollyhand House
Monday, March 4, 2013
3 year check up
I never did post about AR's 3 year check up and some of her milestones. She had her check up on February 16th.
For the well check-ups now, they wear a little hospital gown. She thought she was something!
She weighed 32 lbs and was in the 75 percentile which shocked me a little because she doesn't eat much anymore. She was 37 3/4 tall (75%).
They checked her eyes with the eye chart and she got a little frustrated at the small objects at the bottom and said she just didn't want to play that "game" anymore!
I had a small concern about her hearing. I think it could just be a little habit she has, but she ask me to repeat things all the time. If we are at a restaurant, she will ask me what the waiter is saying, if she is playing a game she will sometimes ask what it is asking her to do. A part of me think she just doesn't understand and wants me to clarify. Dr. Roberts said I could get a hearing test done anytime I wanted so I am giving it a month or so and go from there.
She loves going to the doctor!! Dr. Roberts is so good with her though. She lets her listen in the stethoscope and look in her ears. We will really miss her when she leaves this summer!!
Here are some of the things AR is doing at 3:
-She is now a very picky eater! I usually hear..."I not like that" every meal...even if it is something she has had and liked the week before! We do try to make her try it and she doesn't get anything else.
-We have had a tough time with getting her to sleep in her bed. Dr. Roberts said that if one parent had a hard time with this, then its 75% chance she will too, if both parents did, then its 90! So, we are looking at a 10% chance she will stay in her bed! haha! Riley and I have both said it is hard because truthfully, we kind of like it but we know it is much better for her to sleep in her bed! She does have a new full size bed helps some!
-She is such a sponge right now. She is learning so much! Here are a few things I can remember...
She can count to 20 and sometimes further, back from 10, identifies numbers, knows shapes and colors and the two most recent is identifying all the letters and knowing sounds and spelling her first and middle name. It is so funny because you can tell how proud she is when she learns something new!
-She loves to sing and dance! Her favorite songs or the ones she sings most are: The b-i-b-l-e, Zacchaeus, Part of your world (little mermaid), a dream is a wish (cinderella), I feel better (doc mcstuffins)
-She loves having her fingernails/toenails painted! She has to show everyone!!!
-She LOVES ballet! She has learned so much already. They are getting ready for the recital that is in May...the theme this year is Cinderella!
-She says the funniest things...I will do a post on some of those another time mainly because I want to remember all those cute sayings!
-She has given up her nap on most days! She went from taking a 3 hour nap to nothing...I thought this would be a gradual change! She still has to have quiet time because Mommy needs that and she does too! I let her read or play a game on the ipad and sometimes watch a movie. She is pretty good about doing this and sometimes, she does fall asleep. I try not to push a nap on her now though because I know she is fine when she doesn't take one and often when she does take it, she is very hyper at bedtime!
-She and AK play well together most of the time. If Ava Kate is asleep, Anna Riley will ask several times if we can wake her or if she is up yet! Likewise, Ava Kate hates taking a nap when Anna Riley is home!
The Weekend
This was the first weekend in about 3 weeks that all of us were well!! February was not good to our whole extended family! We have had colds, ear infections, stomach bug and some extended family members including my Dad have had the flu and pneumonia! We are ready for SPRING and warm weather! :)
Since it was SO cold this weekend, we played mostly inside and kept our fire burning! That is one thing I will miss about winter! We love a wood burning fire!!
Riley works most Saturday mornings for a little while. Since it was Dr. Seuss's birthday, Riley met us at CHOM for Dr. Seuss's birthday party. The Thomas family was there too so we all went to lunch at Mellow Mushroom afterwards.
After a short nap, AR went with me to Hobby Lobby to get a few more Easter decorations. I only had a bunny, a yard stake and something for the door. She ask me where the rest of our decorations were and quickly informed me we needed more. I thought it would be fun to take her and let her pick out a few things. Everyone on the Easter aile was laughing at her because she kept saying "Oh Mommy, it is just SOO cute!" or "we have to get this is my favorite!" We got one thing for the den and they each got something for their room. She was excited because her bunny for her room was a ballerina.
AK likes to be just like Big Sis!! |
She likes to wrap her blanket around her like this! |
Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! |
Hand print craft with Thing 2 |
Story time with Thing 1 |
AK was all over the place! She actually sat still the longest in Grandmas attic...she loves a tea party! |
Dress up with Caroline |
Since AR has pretty much given up her nap on most days, this doesn't happen often! However, it was only a 30 minute recharge! |
Picking out Easter decor at Hobby Lobby |
Cuddling by the fire! |
Big Cheezin! |
Wearing Daddy's boots |
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