Anna Riley has hit the princess stage. I have waited for this ever since I found out I would be having a girl!! I love that we can sit and watch the movies that I grew up watching and I get excited when she wants to watch them and shows the same love for them as I did and well still do! She is currently all about Cinderella and really was before she even watched the movie. But now that she has seen the movie...oh a hundred times or so everything is about Cinderella. She also loves Tangled and Little Mermaid (thanks to Uncle Wes for getting it copied to Dvd since it isn't out yet) and she loves reading about Snow White.
She wants us all to dress up when she is dressing up. As much as I would love to just throw on a princess dress and prance around all day, she doesn't understand they don't fit! Luckily she has some hats (Thanks Target $1 section!) that fit Riley and myself. And sissy as a couple of dresses that fit her.
A little funny: The other morning as we were getting ready for church, I said ok now I just need to go throw on my dress and we will be ready to go. AR screams out "Mommy, don't forget your crown!!" Haha! I think I would get some looks if I walked into church with a crown on!
This is currently our smile! Haha! Trying to get her to understand to not really cheese but I don't want a fake smile either!! |
And then sometimes she just wants to be a witch!!! :) |