Anna Riley had her 4 month doctor's appointment this morning. She weighed 15 lbs. 9 1/2 oz. and was 26 inches long which put her in the 90th percentile for both weight and height. I am not for sure about her head circumference. Dr. Roberts was pleased with all of her milestones. She had to get the same shots she got at 2 months. She cried a little more this time which just broke my heart! She was better though by the time we left the room and came home and took a nice long nap! She gave us the go ahead on cereal which we had already started on Sunday. She also told me to wait until 6 months to start on any other foods because of any allergy possliblities which I was not happy about and I am not for sure if I am going to listen or not! haha...I know some doctors say they can start solids after being on cereal for a little while and some would rather you wait until 6 months. What are your thoughts?
Getting checked by Dr. Roberts