Here is what we have been up to lately...
I have been steadily prepping for Anna Riley's birthday party. I am usually not a crafty person, but for some reason I am all of a sudden trying to make all of this stuff. Which turns out to be pretty simple but time consuming! It is all coming along pretty well. I can't wait to put it all together on her big day! I just can't believe she is about to be one!
We had a really good weekend. Friday night after Anna Riley went to bed, Riley and I grilled steaks (or I guess that should say Riley grilled steaks). I have mentioned before that I think his steaks are so good and he makes an avocado spread that we put on top or dip it in. (Someone ask me before whats in it and I think its just avocados, mayo, a little horseradish, a little A1, seasoning salt). Saturday night, my Mom kept Anna Riley and Riley and I went to see little Talon at the hospital. Our friends, Cameron and Courtney just had their second little boy and he is just precious. Riley and I went to try out a new restaurant in town called FIVE and it was really good. They only give you five choices of everything so for indecisive people like me, that's just what I need! Sunday, we had lunch with my parents and grandmother at Cypress Inn and Sunday night we had our pizza night with Riley's Dad, Brian and the kids and Mimi.
Anna Riley has her one year pictures today with Kim Lawson. I can't wait to see how they turn out. Kim always seems to get really good shots even when I think there is no way we got a good one! But I am worried because of course she woke up yesterday with a runny nose and I think she is getting more teeth! :( It always happens at picture time too!
Last week I started weaning Anna Riley from her bottle. I was really afraid she would have a hard time with it so I just switched her bottle to a sippy cup (with formula still) just during her afternoon bottle the first day and then just did really well so we took the morning one away and then finally the night time one away. She transitioned really well. I still had just a little bit of formula left so I let her keep doing formula the rest of the week. I had debated mixing it and doing half and half but I didn't want it to taste different so I just decided to do a switch all at once and if she didn't do well we could go from there. But Monday, I gave her the cup of whole milk and she did great! She didn't act like it was anything different.
Drinking her last bottle...

I have been steadily prepping for Anna Riley's birthday party. I am usually not a crafty person, but for some reason I am all of a sudden trying to make all of this stuff. Which turns out to be pretty simple but time consuming! It is all coming along pretty well. I can't wait to put it all together on her big day! I just can't believe she is about to be one!
We had a really good weekend. Friday night after Anna Riley went to bed, Riley and I grilled steaks (or I guess that should say Riley grilled steaks). I have mentioned before that I think his steaks are so good and he makes an avocado spread that we put on top or dip it in. (Someone ask me before whats in it and I think its just avocados, mayo, a little horseradish, a little A1, seasoning salt). Saturday night, my Mom kept Anna Riley and Riley and I went to see little Talon at the hospital. Our friends, Cameron and Courtney just had their second little boy and he is just precious. Riley and I went to try out a new restaurant in town called FIVE and it was really good. They only give you five choices of everything so for indecisive people like me, that's just what I need! Sunday, we had lunch with my parents and grandmother at Cypress Inn and Sunday night we had our pizza night with Riley's Dad, Brian and the kids and Mimi.
Anna Riley has her one year pictures today with Kim Lawson. I can't wait to see how they turn out. Kim always seems to get really good shots even when I think there is no way we got a good one! But I am worried because of course she woke up yesterday with a runny nose and I think she is getting more teeth! :( It always happens at picture time too!
Last week I started weaning Anna Riley from her bottle. I was really afraid she would have a hard time with it so I just switched her bottle to a sippy cup (with formula still) just during her afternoon bottle the first day and then just did really well so we took the morning one away and then finally the night time one away. She transitioned really well. I still had just a little bit of formula left so I let her keep doing formula the rest of the week. I had debated mixing it and doing half and half but I didn't want it to taste different so I just decided to do a switch all at once and if she didn't do well we could go from there. But Monday, I gave her the cup of whole milk and she did great! She didn't act like it was anything different.
Drinking her last bottle...