Anna Riley got to take swim lessons again but with Coach Anne during the last week of lessons. I had planned just waiting until next summer but the spot came open so we went ahead. She only took for 4 days because we just took an open spot so we missed Monday but she learned so much in those 4 days! Coach Anne is great! Anna Riley's biggest thing is she HATES going under and by the end of the week, it didn't bother her. She was swimming and by the last day they have the option to jump off the diving board and she did it with some help...she was not so sure about it. She did get pushed off on and swim to the side by herself (she wanted them to learn what to do if they ever fell in). I videoed more than I took pictures but here are a few. We had a makeup on Saturday because Tuesday was bad weather and Coach Anne was sick so it was just her assistant Vivian and she did great with all the kids by herself. Anna Riley really liked it by the end of the week and cried and begged to stay on the last day. She kept saying "just one more time!"I can't wait to see how much Anna Riley progresses with her each summer! She has a lot more fun at the pool now!!