Anna Riley had a bad case of the stomach bug Wednesday night. Poor Baby! I kind of knew something was up but her nose had started running and I think she is also getting more teeth so I thought she wasn't feeling good because of that. She has always been such a good eater and she didn't eat much for breakfast or lunch that day. We had pictures with Kim after lunch and just as I had predicted, it didn't go so well! She was so ill!! But I know Kim and I am sure she got some good ones. But I really don't think she smiled for one picture! I just knew she would LOVE the smash cake session because she loves cake! But she didn't even eat much of it. She of course made a HUGE mess with it but didn't really eat any of it...just a little bit of the icing. So that was another clue she was getting sick. Anyway enough about that...Well that night, we had ask Riley's Dad to come over to eat dinner. She literally took 2 bites and threw everything up. She ended up throwing up at least 15 times from 6 pm-2am. I had called the doctor around 9 (first time I ever had to call the doctor after hours but I was so afraid she was going to get dehydrated). She kept pushing everything away and couldn't hold anything down. I can't recall even having a virus that bad in a really long time! Poor thing hung in there like a trooper though! She spent all day Thursday resting and drinking lots of fluids. She is finally getting back to herself today. We have had lots of cuddle time...watching cartoons & reading books! She has doing this thing where she lays her head on my shoulder and pats my back like I do hers! Its the cutest thing. She is in that "loving" stage they get in when they are sick.