I went to the doctor today and it was actually quite eventful. They strongly recommended that I get the H1N1 vaccine so of course I did even though I was a little unsure about it at first. I also had the gestational diabetes test which was really not that bad and I passed it! I have always heard how awful the stuff was you had to drink but to me it taste similar to a Sunkist with a little more sugar...it was not bad at all! I am just glad I passed because I really wouldnt want to spend 3 hours at the doctor! They also drew blood and I had another ultrasound and we finally confirmed that she was a she! But she still wouldnt open her legs very much. But I had two ultrasound techs looking this time and they both said it had to be a girl. And especially since this was the 3rd time to look and they still didnt see any "sign" of a boy. I had held off about ordering the bedding until we got a definite yes so I am ordering it tomorrow! I feel like we are waiting so late to get things done but that is just how I am and its been really hard to get started when it still wasnt confirmed. I know it will all get done in plenty of time with the husbands help! haha.
I cant believe that I am entering the 3rd trimester!! It feels like just last month I found out I was pregnant. I still feel pretty good but I can tell I dont have as much energy as I did. I do pretty well though after being with Kindergartners all day that are just so excited about the holidays and it is getting harder and harder to keep them calm! I have someone everyday come up almost everyday and tell me they dont know how I do it and especially pregnant! Lets just say...I am looking forward to the week off! haha
Side note: One of my best friends, Becca just had an adorable baby girl..miss Zoe Jane! She is precious. I cant wait to meet her!! It makes me sooo ready for February so we can meet our little Anna Riley!
Hollyhand House
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Calling all Prayer Warriors...
Our family really needs your prayers! If you read my blog, you know that my mother-in-law has been in the hospital since August after her 2nd liver transplant. She had so many setbacks and had to go back to the SICU 5 different times. She finally got all of her organs working again but has lots of PT to do because her body was so weak from laying in the hospital bed that long. She still hasnt been able to stand by herself or walk. She had gotten where she could eat some the past couple of weeks and only had the feeding tube at night. They were getting ready to move to the Spain Rehab Center to finish her recovery. However, last night they noticed something that makes them think that she might have a whole in her intestine. They did a CT but it didnt really show up in that. They plan to run a few more tests tomorrow. They said that sometimes wholes in the intestine will heal on its on in a few weeks to a months time but if not another surgery will have to be done! I know she is such a positive person but it is hard to stay positive right now. She is so ready to get home and be with her family and we are ready to have her back!! We were really hoping she might be out of the hospital by Christmas and I know it can happen but if she has another surgery, her recovery will be pushed back even more! Please, please say a prayer for her that whatever is wrong will heal without surgery!
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