Hollyhand House
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sleepless Nights
This has been one of those weeks where we are all just sick. Riley started us all off with a cold so he had a doctors appointment anyways for a checkup so he just went ahead and conveniently got a shot while he was there. And then Anna Riley got it and this has been the worst one she has had. Usually, she has just had the sniffles which was probably mostly from teething but not this time. And then yesterday, I woke up with a sore throat so I went ahead and went and got a shot so that I would hopefully knock it out quickly. Needless to say though, we have not gotten much sleep at our house. Plus, on top of the cold, I do think that now she is trying to cut another tooth on top. Its hard to tell though because she bites my finger every time I try to feel. But sleep has not been that great ever since we lowered her crib anyways. We are working on it. I sure was used to her sleeping through the night though! haha. But like all things...this too shall pass! :)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Pulling up
Anna Riley has been trying to pull up on everything these days she just isn't the sturdiest. She still only "army crawls" and honestly I dont know if she will ever really crawl. But, boy she can take off and go fast now but she will get in the the crawling position but then goes into her "army stance." I wish I had gotten a picture of Riley trying to show her the right way to do it the other night! It was priceless!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Bama v. Duke
Friday, September 17, 2010
Little Red Wagon
Granna and PawPaw got AR a wagon and since it has been a little cooler it is actually enjoyable outside to use it. She was not in the best of moods this day but seemed to really enjoy her ride.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Peas Please
Riley and I both HATE English peas and there aren't many foods that either of us do not like but that is one that we both agree on. I let Anna Riley try them this week and she really liked them. I didn't want to deprive her of a food just because we didn't like it. The foods she eats the most are definitely the ones that we eat the most just because its easier that way but I still want her to try other foods. I am just wondering when and if I am ever going to find a food that this child just hates because I really thought it might be this one but I was wrong. You should see what all this girl can inhale in one sitting too...what can I say though she comes by it naturally, her Daddy and I both love to eat!

She is getting very good and feeding herself...we usually just do snacks but I have been practicing with other foods.

She LOVES water and is so good at drinking out of her sippy cup and only likes the kind with the straw now, but refuses to hold it...so this was an improvement! 
She is getting very good and feeding herself...we usually just do snacks but I have been practicing with other foods.
She LOVES water and is so good at drinking out of her sippy cup and only likes the kind with the straw now, but refuses to hold it...so this was an improvement!

The last picture isnt good quality but was taken from the non-interesting video of her eating...but please notice how she lined her peas up in a perfect line!! haha...how funny is that?!
Many Faces of AR (in the tub)
If you are around Anna Riley a lot you know she has lots of facial expressions. She always has. It is so fun to catch them on camera. Here are just a few of her many!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Anna Riley really never wore shoes. It is really hard to find shoes that will fit newborns and by the time she could wear shoes, it was summer so why bother? I am trying to get her used to shoes since she will have to wear them very soon, so I have been putting them on her everyday and she seems to really like them. She plays with them and stares and them a lot! It is so cute. A few people told me they had problems with their child wearing shoes when they had to because they never did as babies but it doesnt seem that it bothers her yet!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Its just all happening a little too fast for me...
Wow! It seems like she is hitting so many milestones this month and it makes me realize that my baby is growing up soo fast! I may have shed a few tears tonight. Don't get me wrong I LOVE every stage she has been in and this is probably my favorite (aren't they all though?) but when I go back to thinking about that little baby, a part of me is sad to think how fast she is growing and before I know it this stage will have moved on and she will be on to something else. Anyways...enough sappiness!
**And we had to lower her crib all the way down because she pulled herself up and was standing in her crib.
**She also said her first word this week and it was "HEY!" No mama or dada just a simple hey! haha She has said it several times since then but never when I want her to of course!
Bama v. Penn St.
Riley and I went tailgaiting and to the game (childless.) Mom kept her and we decided it was time for me to let go and let her spend the night. She did wonderful (according to Mom) and we had a great time at the game.
We got to see several of our friends which is always a huge plus...another reason why I LOVE football season. However, it could have been a little bit cooler if you ask me and I could have did without getting completly soaked on my walk back from another tailgate but we did win and so all in all it was a great day! Roll Tide!
Riley and I tailgating before the game
College friends--Cyndee, Kim, myself and Candace
Thursday, September 9, 2010
RTR---1st game!
We escaped the madness of the first game and took advantage of the long weekend in Fairhope. We had a great time with the Tidmores and Stricklands. And we had enough tailgating food to eat the whole weekend. Don't worry though, we will be right in the madness Saturday!
She will go from this...
to this in a second! And then back to being happy and laughing!
I mean just a little bit dramatic!
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