Hollyhand House
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thanksgiving Day
We went to Riley's Aunt Grace's house on Thanksgiving day. Anna Riley got passed around and loved all the attention. And of course she ate her fair share of Thanksgiving food! This girl is going to eat us out of the house!! :) I just love being with family...whether it is mine or his! We really are so blessed and have so much to be thankful for!!
(I did not take as many pictures as I normally do for some reason)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Granna and PawPaws
Anna Riley spent the night with my Mom and Dad last Saturday night. She has so much fun there and I'm glad that she will stay the night. Those are my favorite memories...spending the night at my grandparent's house, playing dominos and watching Hee Haw! haha. They took lots of pictures but I borrowed their cable and now can't find it so more pictures later. Thanks Mom and Dad for keeping her! :)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Breakfast with Santa
Saturday morning we went to "Breakfast with Santa." We had so much fun...we got to sit with the our friends, the Thomas' and their 3 girls. Mandy and I had bought the same outfit for our girls so we dressed them all alike...they were so cute! We ate breakfast, Anna Riley attempted to color (eat the crayons), and then have her picture made with Santa. I was just sure she would cry when I sat her in his lap but much to my surprise she did not. She stared at him so hard and then stared at us and would not smile at all. The photographer tried a couple of times to get her to smile but we could see that look in her eye like she was about to loose it! I could not take a picture myself, but the picture they took was free so they are mailing it to me. I will try to post it when we get it.
What I love about Sundays...
I think Sundays are turning into my favorite day. I used to not like it because I knew Monday was right after but now I really don't mind my Mondays. Its just a new start and a new week. It seems that on Friday and Saturday we are just so busy with things and Riley often has jobs to check on so usually he isn't here on Saturday mornings. So now I love Sundays! I love us all getting dressed up for church. I love starting my week off with listening to a great sermon and just the feel of being at church...you know what I'm talking about...its that warmy fuzzy feeling almost! :) I love having the rest of the day to do whatever we want which often includes a nap and always lots and lots of family time!
Heart Update
Dr. Carlo just called and said that everything looked as he suspected and had previously told us with the holter (the 24 hour heart monitor that AR had to wear). He said he would see her again in a year to see if there were any changes. But even if she still had it, she would be ok and would not need any treatment! YAY!!! Thank the Lord! Thanks so much for all of your prayers!
Thanksgiving feast #1
We always have one of our Thanksgiving get togethers the Saturday or Sunday before Thanksgiving so that everyone can go to other places on Thanksgiving day. We had an amazing meal! Anna Riley sure enjoyed all the wonderful food. Her favorites were Grammy's mac and cheese and the green beans. But she even tried a few bites of the beef tenderloin and of course she liked it too! It was great having everyone together. We even got to watch a couple of home videos of Riley and his brother and sister and cousin when they were little.
Friday, November 19, 2010
I just have to say...
I love our pediatrician, Dr. Roberts! She called me personally late this afternoon to check on Anna Riley. She ask me how my appointment at UAB went. Not many doctors would do that! It just shows how much she really cares!
Bama vs. Georgia St.
Not for sure I like the whole Thursday night game but we enjoyed a nice evening at home (or Mr. Dougs anyway...its starting to feel like our home). Anna Riley must have known it was game night because she was so hyper and not ready for bed like she normally is! Yay for a great win, just hope we can play well against Auburn next week!!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Into everything!
Boy is she into everything now! She is my little shadow all day long and finds something to get into in every room she is in! She has defnitely just taken off the past couple of weeks and she isn't slowing down for anyone!! I love it and I don't mind the chasing after her...I think of it as extra calories I'm burning! haha
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Look what I can do...
Anna Riley is now standing on her own! (Well some of the time) This was taken last week and she did it several times and now when I stand her up she acts scared. But I notice when she plays with her toys, she lets go of them and stands without holding on to anything.
Cardiologist Appointment
Yesterday we took Anna Riley to see Dr. Carlo at UAB. First, I just want to say that I am so proud of my baby because she did amazing through all the tests!! I mean she was acting like such a big girl! They told me she could lay on me to do the EKG and ultrasound if it was easier but she just laid on the table and was as still as she could be. And if you know my child, you know she is not still! She watched every little thing they they did. The nurses were so good and they were in there blowing bubbles to keep her entertained but finally they stopped because she really was more into what the doctor was doing. It almost brought a tear to my eye because she was just acting so "big"!
They did an EKG and then the ultrasound and of course listened to her heart. Dr. Carlo said she had an abnormal heart rhythm. Meaning there is a fast beat after each normal beat. He said the upper chamber of the heart was contracting to make the fast beat each time. He said it would not be anything to worry about and she could have had it from birth and just now be able to notice it. He said she would most likely grow out of it but definitely would not need medication or surgery. He did, however, want her to wear a holster to monitor her heart for a full 24 hours. He just wanted to get a better idea of when her heart was having the abnormalities or if it was all the time and if there was only one fast beat after each normal or multiples.
She did really well with the holter on last night. We have to wear it until 2pm today. Much to my surprise, she has not tried to grab at it at all. But they said to put her in a tight onesie so as soon as we got back that is what we did and she hasnt touched it. It is a bit bulky just because it has this one part that hangs and on a baby there is no where to put it but she is managing just fine!
Thanks again for all your prayers!!!
She is holding the part that makes it so bulky!
Doesn't seem bothered by her new attire...I think she kind of liked it and she thought it was a toy!
It hasn't slowed her down one bit!!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Paw Paw
Somehow I forgot to post these pictures. This was from last month. Anna Riley had so much fun with Paw Paw. She loves riding with him on the golf cart. I know she will love going to Berry just because she will get to do so many things that she can't do with us living in town.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Zoe's birthday
We traveled to Atlanta this past weekend to celebrate Zoe's first birthday. Thanks Cyndee and Dan for letting us stay with you!! We had a wonderful weekend and Becca and Zach did an amazing job on the party.
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