We have quite a few birthdays in December. Riley's is one of them. His birthday was on Sunday but as always, we slip a few extra days of celebration in there. Last week was pretty busy for me. I had 2 weekday Christmas parties to go to. So, I decided to fix Riley's traditional requested dinner on Wednesday. He ask for me to cook Spam and Macaroni at some point around his birthday each year. The story is...when he was little and became picky, his Mom would make Spam and Macaroni for him and he loved it. He even had it for breakfast a few times because he wouldn't eat anything else at the time. When he got older, he ask for it each year on his birthday. Its the only time I ever see him eating Spam but he really likes it! He makes the girls try it and they actually eat it also..even Anna Riley!

On Thursday, our little friend Tripp turned one, so we met Amanda and Tripp at Hokkiado for lunch and the girls sat at the grill for the first time. They love Japanese food but we have just never did the grill. They were both so still and watched everything he did!! After that, we went to Krispy Kreme because AR thinks a meal out (much less a birthday meal) isn't complete without KK!
We took this at Hokkiado! I love the face she is making! HAHA |
Saturday, we had 2 birthday parties and then Riley and I were going out to eat to celebrate his birthday. We actually only made it to one of our parties, the girls were pooped and AR feel asleep on the way to party #2! They had lots of fun at Tripp's Barnyard party though!! AR has been several times now and she definietly knows the routine there!!
I let AK ride the pony this time!
Saturday night, my friend Bethany offered to watch the girls so we could go out to dinner. We went to Chuck's so we could get some sushi also.
Sunday was so messy outside, but we went to chuch and then brunch at FIG. We came back home and put on PJs and watched Christmas movies. Riley and I even got to watch a movie while the girls napped. Anna Riley helped me make brownies and she made him blow out a candle after dinner!
I am so thankful for such a wonderful husband that I can call my best friend and someone that is such a wonderful father! The girls and I are SO blessed!!