Hollyhand House

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Playdate with LG and Coop

Last week we met Peyton, Lily Grace and Cooper to play.  Because we are both so busy, it had been a while since we had seen each other but hopefully that will change soon! :)  Anna Riley couldn't wait to see Lily Grace!  She had fun playing with Cooper too...they are only a few months apart!  Ava Kate was taking it all in...it won't be long until she is running around with them!!

They didn't want to leave AK out! :)

SO sweet!

Lily Grace is SO good with babies!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Father's Day

We have been so busy lately so I have been slacking on my blog.
Last weekend, the girls stayed in Berry on Saturday night. Ava Kate's first time to stay in Berry and she did great! Riley and I went to early church with his Dad at our church and then headed to Berry for church with my Dad and lunch. Mom outdid herself with lunch and I way overate! Anna Riley is very attached to my Dad so she wouldn't let us help her with anything. She even cried outside the bathroom while my Dad took a shower that morning! haha! :)  I am SO thankful for a such a great Dad and one that loves my girls so much and wants to be such a great grandfather to them...even if that includes dress up and tea parties! :)

After lunch and naps, we headed back to Tuscaloosa and made a stop by Pop pop's house so the girls could wish him a Happy Father's Day since we weren't eating until Tuesday of the next week for Father's Day. I am also so thankful for such a wonderful Father-in-law! He is the most giving man I know!! I am so glad that my kids have such a great role model to look up to! He has instilled a lot of his personality and morals in Riley and I only hope it carries on to our children! And of course, I am so glad my girls are blessed with such a great Father as well! :)

Love these two men...and sweet girls!:)

On Tuesday, we headed to Pop Pop's house for BBQ and to celebrate Father's Day with him and the family. We were also celebrating Brilyn's birthday. 

Boy, time sure does fly...Brilyn
is already 6!  He was born right after
Riley and I started dating!

Duncan's new favorite thing

Uncle Brian helping the girls with the action figures Brilyn got

Looking at pics of the grandkids

The two girls playing with the boy toys!
Love this picture!!

Swim Lessons

We started Anna Riley in Swim Lessons last week.  She did much better than I thought she would.  She even went under and didn't freak out.  This is a Mom and Tot class so I have to get in the water with her.  There is a local lady that is amazing that I want to get her in with next year but she likes them closer to 3.  Anna Riley needed something this summer though as an introduction.  The 30 minutes is about all she can handle right now also. 
Riley had to meet me there to watch Ava Kate so he got to see the first session and take a few pictures.  

Not so sure about this...
Getting the hang of it!
I love that concentrated look!
She had just went under for the first time! :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Potty Training update

Anna Riley has been doing great this week with potty training!  I have been super proud of her!!  Tuesday, we just continued practicing...still with no bottoms.  I put the potty in the bathroom so she would get used to going in the same place everytime.  We practiced washing her hands and using the soap and water herself.  This is where my control comes in. I want to just do things for her to prevent a mess and she has to learn to do it herself.  She watched me empty the potty and clean up after. She did great all day Tuesday.  I would ask her several times if she needed to potty to reminder her, but she went on her own.

Wednesday was the hardest day.  We started wearing underwear and practicing pulling them down.  Before, she could just run and sit the minute it hit her.   So, she had a few accidents.  One time, she went and sat on the potty and just completely forgot to pull her panties down! Bless her! :)  The other times, she would get the feeling and start trying to get them down while walking to the bathroom and not make it in time.  But, by lunch time she had gotten the hang of it and didn't have any more accidents.  Wednesday night, I had my Father-in-law and Riley's grandmother over for supper so AR was so excited to take them to show them she could pee pee in the potty! haha! You could tell she was so proud!

Thursday, we decided to venture out!  We really needed formula and so off to Target we went.  She used the bathroom since her last cup of water and I didn't give her anymore after since I knew we would be leaving to go soon.  I packed extra clothes and underwear.   She did great though.  I ask her before we went in to tell me and she said "I not have to."  I didn't ask her in there though because I thought she might just want to go in there to go in.  We didn't stay long.  I let her pick out a reward for doing so well this week so that was exciting.  When we came home, as soon as we walked in the door, she went straight to the bathroom.  During her nap on Thursday, she woke up early and was saying she needed to go pee.  She had a pull up on but I let her get up early and go potty.  Thursday, she also started emptying the bowl and washing it out by herself. 

We still haven't been able to get her to potty on the big potty.  We have the little kind that goes on top of the big potty but she doesn't like it.  Every time she is up there, she says she would rather be on the little potty.  And, I don't know if it is because it is hot or because she just doesn't like clothes anymore but we can't keep them on her!!  I guess that is less laundry for me.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Potty Training Day 1

I mentioned in an earlier post that AR had recently started showing signs of potty training readiness. I want to blog about our first day and what we did...especially since I have another one that will be doing the same thing in a couple of years!
 I had found a site on pinterest a while back and pinned it:   http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Potty-Train-a-Child-2/?ALLSTEPS.  There are tons of articles and books on PTing though.

I think the big thing is that they really have to be ready. It makes it a lot easier.  AR had been showing signs for a little while and had really been wanting to go potty for 2 weeks and we just now had the time to stay at home for a couple of days.  I blocked out a whole week (just in case) but 3 days for sure that we wouldn't go anywhere!  I got my groceries on Sunday so we wouldn't have it to worry about and Monday was just ALL about PTing! FUN! :)  Last week, on one of our Target trips, I let AR pick out some big girl panties that she liked.  The Easter Bunny had already bought her some to hopefully spark the interest but I wanted her to be excited about the kind she picked.  I also had the training pants and pull-ups for naps and bedtime.  We had been reading books about Potty Training and she was so excited.  We had a long talk about it the night before about how she was going to be a big girl the next day and say "bye bye" to her diapers!
She woke up and I put the training panties on her.  She drank lots and lots of juice and water.  When I say lots, I was basically giving her one after another just so she would have to pee a lot.  I also allowed her to have more snacks (even salty chips at 9 am) just so she would drink more.  I took her to the potty every 15 minutes or so...nothing. (The potty stayed wherever we were, to make it easy)  Then, she walked in the playroom, out of my sight for 2 seconds and peed in there.  SO...we started over.  MORE juice, more water, more snacks.  At one point she had drank so much water that I KNEW she had to pee...her tummy was so tight.  I knew if she would ever pee on the potty, she would get it what was going on and maybe it would start clicking more.  At this point, we had it in the den and I let her just sit on it while watching one of her shows hoping she would pee pee.  No...she held it the whole 15 minutes she sat there and then once again walked in the playroom and peed there. I was starting to get a little discouraged but my friend Mandy (who Potty trained her triplets in a week!) gave me some advice and encouragment and we were ready to start again!  I know it is completly normal for them to not go in the potty the first day but it still discourages you a little! 

Finally, after we pee peed twice in the floor. I was about to put more panties on her and she didn't want them.  And then she wanted her shirt off.  So, she went naked the rest of the day.  She sat on the potty and finally she squeeze the tiniest drop but it was enough to make her tune on her potty play and we made the BIGGEST deal out of that little drop.  She got a treat (mini Reece's) and a high five! She was SO proud of herself. 
A few minutes later, she wanted to read with me and she was sitting in my lap and starting pee peeing  and so I put her on the potty and she finished there.  We made a big deal out of it...got a treat, etc.  From then on, she seemed to "get it." She would say "I have to pee pee" and just run sit on it and because she was naked, she didn't have to worry about pulling anything down. Then, she really got where she wasn't even telling me, she was just getting on the potty by herself.  She had pee peed by 10 am and then poo pooed by noon. 
When she poo pooed in the potty, Riley was home for lunch.  So, we made a really big deal and I had some Melissa and Doug hand stamps she had gotten for Christmas put away in the closet just to pull out later and she got to play with them and of course some Reece's!
I put a pull-up on her during nap and then we started again when she got up.  She didn't have any "accidents" all day.  And she was very good about just running to the potty.  I also put a pull-up on her at night for bed-time. 
When she got up this morning, the pull-up was dry. 

It was a lot easier with AR than I expected but she was really ready.  I think she was more ready that I was.  I want her out of diapers but I wasn't ready for her to be at this stage yet!    I hope we continue to keep moving forward!!  The rest of the week, we will be working on training with panties on and learning to clean up after and venturing out with just big girl panties on! OH FUN! haha

Monday, June 11, 2012

Ava Kate- 8 months

 Ava Kate turned 8 months on the 6th.  We are enjoying every moment but it is flying by!!  This little girl brightens our day and we couldn't imagaine life without her!
Here is what little Miss AK is up to...
 - She wears mostly 9 month clothes but since it is summer, she can fit in some
of the 6 months clothes still. 
-We just moved up to size 4 diaper.

-She has 4- 7 or 8oz. bottles a day.  7:30, 11:30, 3:30 and before bed around 7.

-She has mastered the sippy cup!  She turns it up with no problem.  I have caught her with AR's a few times also.  She can also hold her own bottle now.

-She has tried lots of different foods.  She has had sweet potatoes, oatmeal, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, carrots,squash, peas, mashed potatoes, bananas, peaches, apples, applesauce, grits, puffs, yogurt, yogurt melts and ice cream :)  I think the last was her favorite!

-She is getting a little better with the spitting up and some days are definitely better than others but we ALWAYS have to have a bib or burb cloth ready!!

-She is a great sleeper.  She goes to sleep anywhere from 6:30-7:30 (usually 7 on the dot) and gets up between 7 and 7:30. 
-She doesn't like to be rocked and would rather you lay her down in bed with her bunnies and blanket.  She snuggles up and goes to sleep without a fight most every night (for now anyways...it will change I'm sure)
- She takes two naps a day.  I usually adjust her morning nap if we are doing something that day, but usually she goes down between 8:30 and 9:30 and sleeps around and hour to hour and half.  She takes a long nap in the afternoon when AR sleeps.  They both go down around 1 and Ava Kate usually gets up around 4. 

-She loves her paci and likes taking it out and putting it back in.
She gets in this postion a lot

-She is really trying so hard to crawl.  She gets really frustrated because she can't go just yet.
-She is scooting to get from here to there.
-She is going from sitting to her tummy and back pretty well.  She gets her legs stuck sometimes.
-She has also started pulling her knees up under her more and rocking back and forth so I think it will be very soon.
-When she is on the changing table, she is constantly trying to roll over or reach and grab anything in sight!

-She has the cutest, chunkiest legs!
-She still has big brown eyes and brown hair and as of now it seems to be straight.  ARs started curling by now.
-She has beautiful olive color skin tone that she obviously didn't get from me! :)
-She has the cutest smile and laugh!  It doesn't take much to make her smile!
-She opens her mouth all the time like she is surprised.

-She is "talking" and making sounds but no definite words yet. 
-Our reading time is not so easy right now because she eats the book!
-She loves playing with babydolls and some of her Big Sister's toys which makes for lots of fights already! :)
 -She is teething but does not have any teeth yet.  She constantly has something in her mouth!
-She loves giving kisses!
-She pinches and grabs and has even brought blood to Pop Pop's face!
She also loves playing and pulling on her Daddy's hair!!

She loves playing with Anna Riley!!  She wants to touch her all the time which AR does NOT like.  She will say "no touch sissy!"
-They are sweet together though and are starting to play more.  We all had a little tea party together the other day and she was giving AK pretend food to eat.  I see this happening a lot in the future!
-When we grocery shop, Ava Kate has started riding in the double "car carts" at Publix with Anna Riley.  It is so funny to watch her "drive" the car.  She will constantly reach and grab AR's steering wheel and AR will say "No sissy, drive yours!!"   Oh the fighting has already begun! :) 

Friday, June 8, 2012

On the Road again....

I feel like that is our theme song the past few weeks!
  We have been on the go!  But I can't complain since all the trips have been fun trips! :)  I posted about us going to Destin for Riley's conference a couple of weeks ago.  We left Saturday and came back the following Saturday.  Then, Riley and I headed back down to Destin that Friday.  Some people that they do work with had invited us for the weekend.  It is sometimes hard to leave the girls, but it is also really nice to have some time with my husband!  We had a great weekend together and I knew my girls were in great hands!  Miss Katie kept them on Friday until Mom got there and then Mom and Dad kept them the rest of the weekend!  I got lots of picture text and a couple of videos that made our weekend!  I think we looked at them a million times!  I love technology! ;) 
Riley and I went to eat with everyone on Friday night and had such a great time.  I got to meet several people that I hear him talk about with work and it was great to finally meet them.  Riley went fishing on Saturday morning and caught us some really great fish that we are actually cooking tonight!! YUM..cant wait!  While he fished, I went to eat breakfast with the Logans and then we all laid out by the pool when Riley got back.  It was nice not having to look at the time and the day went by sooo slow!  We had a FABULOUS dinner in Grayton beach at Boragos with the Logans.  Kristin said it was her favorite and now I can see why...I am still thinking about that food! :) 
We headed out after breakfast on Sunday because I was more than ready to see my sweet girls! Thanks to Miss Katie and Granna Kat and PawPaw for keeping the girls for us!
Miss Katie sent me this pic on Friday
Having fun with Miss Katie
One of the only pictures I took...
We stayed in Baytowne and this was
the Sunset
AK and PawPaw
My girls love their grandparents! :)
AR playing with Addie Gail
Here was the other!  Haha...Sunset and food! :)
I ate at Another Broken Egg both mornings.  I am SO
excited that Tuscaloosa is getting one soon!

Riley and I got back on Sunday and I unpacked and re-packed because I left on Monday morning headed down to Fairhope.  I took my grandmother and my Aunt Kat and her granddaughter, Hailey to Fairhope.  I really wanted to spend some quality time with my grandmother and what better place than Fairhope.  Granny really enjoyed being there with the girls and the girls (especially AK) really enjoyed having Granny Boo around!  I think Granny could have just held AK the whole time and been perfectly content.  We had a really laid back trip and it was SO nice!  We went out to eat on our way in and then the rest of the time we just picked up food and ate at the house so the kids could play and we didn't have to worry about getting them out.  As much as I love going out to eat, it is so nice to do that sometimes, especially with kids!   The kids really enjoyed playing in the bay and jumping the waves! :)   We also got to go visit one of my Papa's cousins that lives in Daphne on Tuesday.  Granny was really excited to see her. 
It was fun to see Anna Riley playing with Aunt Kat.  When I was a little girl, we would always go to the beach with her family.  I have such fond memories growing up going to the beach with my cousins and my Aunt Kat playing with us so when she was doing the same with Anna Riley it really brought back great memories! :)  We had such a great time...I am so glad we were able to do it!!
Playing on the deck!  The girls had the best time running
back and forth!
Playing outside in Pjs...waiting on the sunset!
She just got down and started doing  trying to do pushups!
She has been really interested in exercise lately...
she must get it from her Daddy!! HA
The swing got used a lot! ;)

Granny Boo and AK
Sweet girls
I love my Granny!
One of the sweetest ladies out there!
Eating grass

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