I just got back from my appointment this week and received good news. I am 2 cm dilated and thinning out. He said she was definitely head down still. Everything looked great! He said if I made it to next weeks appointment that we could talk about possible induction. I have not made up my mind on that but it will be nice to have the option. I have felt so great this past week so I am trying to use that time to make sure everything is done...which it is but I am really just trying to keep myself busy! haha! I have also been taking advantage of the beautiful weather and walking. I have actually been wanting to get out and walk and exercise (that usually doesnt happen!) I hope I keep that up for after the baby is born also!! :)
Look how much I have grown since Christmas!
This was at 32 weeks

37 weeks
Wow, you look great! Glad you are making some progress!
Oh, you look so good! love your pink shirt and that baby just poking right on out! Precious! So great you feel like walking...that's wonderful and so good for the labor and delivery progression.
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