We went to Fairhope for the weekend (more on that later) and Anna Riley came home with a black eye! Saturday while her Daddy and the other guys were playing golf, I was getting Anna Riley and myself ready to go to the beach for a little while and I had put her on the floor and she was fussy so, like I had many times, I put her on the bed with a toy and ran in the bathroom to grab something (I mean 2 seconds here) and she crawled off! The bed in Fairhope is higher than ours at home and it is hardfloors, not carpet so makes it a little worse. It scared me to death!! Luckily I was with two experienced Moms that assured me she was ok and that it had happened to them. I know it wont be her first bump but I did feel horrible! She cried for about 15 minutes on and off and we just kept and eye on her and she was back to smiling and playing later on. It never swelled or anything and didn't look as bad as what I thought it was going to. Needless to say, I will not be leaving her on any beds anymore!

All smiles about an hour after it happened
All smiles about an hour after it happened
The next day
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