Hollyhand House

Monday, December 5, 2011

Thanksgiving weekend in Fairhope

After filling our bellies, we loaded up headed down to Fairhope for the rest of the weekend.  For the past couple of years, my parents have been able to go down with us and Riley's Dad.  It is so great to have both of our parents there and boy does Anna Riley love all the attention she gets!!  I am pretty sure she wore them completely out! I did not take that many pictures for some reason.  And some how Mr. Doug managed to not get in any of them!

I would love to say we spent the whole weekend just relaxing but that was not the case! Mom and I shopped most of the weekend. The men were wonderful to keep the babies for us so we could do some Christmas shopping. We did not do the crazy mid night maddness, however we are the crazy people that go to Walmart at 9pm to get groceries on this crazy sale night!! The police officer that was standing in the produce section where the line for some tv was wrapped around to, really got a good laugh at us for only coming to get groceries!! But, its Thanksgiving and no grocery stores are open and even though we have a some staple items at the house, we really needed other items and I didn't want to wait until morning! But, it wasn't bad since the sale started at 10...it was actually the quickest I ever shopped in Walmart! It was so great spending some quality time with my Mom.

Anna Riley played outside the whole time we were there, I think! We could not have asked for better weather. It was perfect!! The girls that live in the house down the road, kept her entertained for a while on their golf cart. Anna Riley rides my Granny's golfcart in Berry everytime she goes and loves it so she was so excited that they ask her to play! They are 8 and 9 and the sweetest little girls! They would come and knock on the door to see if Anna Riley was awake and could play! :)
Saturday, Mom and I fixed some snacks and we watched the game at the house!  All I can say is ROLL TIDE!!! 


Phillips Family said...

Such a sweet pic of Ava Kate with your mom, I am loving having a baby that will snuggle :) I know it will be over soon :(

Candace said...

Beautiful pictures of beautiful babies - as always!!!

kimberly t. bowling said...

Again, frame worthy, asleep on your Dad's shoulder with the chain from the swing? in view...priceless.