Hollyhand House

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Anna Riley woke up Wednesday morning, 2 weeks ago complaining with her leg and mostly her knee.  I thought it probably was the way she slept on it and we went on about the day.  She went to school and came home and took a nap.  After nap, she did it again.  But as the first time, she didn't complain much after she would get up and going.  That weekend, we were in Fairhope for Labor Day weekend and the limping got worse.  Tuesday morning, I made an appointment with her Pediatrician. 
This is blurry but I thought it was
so cute!...Playing in the waiting room
She loved all the fish
in the waiting room.
She wanted us to get Xrays of her leg.  Anna Riley had her first ballet class that morning and so Dr. Roberts said to let her go but watch to make sure she wasn't in any pain.  After ballet, we headed to the Radiology clinic to have Xrays done.  AR did great with the Xrays!  (funny side note:  she kept telling me the screen on the machine looked just like the Ipad! haha)

Waiting for the Doctor
Xrays came back fine so Dr. Roberts thought it was probably a sprain. But, a week later...she was still limping and it had gotten worse.  Dr. Roberts ordered blood work to rule out any arthritis.  AR was such a big girl with that also!  The blood work came back normal so we moved on to the next step! 

She set up an appintment with Dr. Doyle at Children's hospital.  He is a pediatric orthapedic doctor and he was SO great with AR!  We went there on Thursday.  He did a little exam on AR...moving her legs all around and making her run and walk and then we had more Xrays...this time of her foot.  Still nothing showed up on the Xray but Dr. Doyle was pretty sure it was a hairline fracture in her foot.  He didn't want to expose her to any more radiation at the time.  He said before he got test happy (as many Doctors do) he wanted to see if wearing a boot for 2 weeks would help.

Worn out but still holding on to the
pencil she got at the Dr. Office!
Next Thursday we will go back and see if there is any improvement.  If not...more Xrays and tests.  In order to do an MRI on a small child, they have to be put under general anesthesia so we don't want to do that unless it is absolutely necessary. 

AR has been doing quite well with the boot.  She went to school the next day and they said she did great.  It took her a few days to get used to it but she doesn't really complain about wearing it.  During the 2 weeks, she also has to sit out of ballet and gymnastics at school.   Hopefully, all will be well in 2 weeks and no more boot!


courtneytidmore said...

How do they decide if there is improvement? Let her walk on it?

Lauren said...

Poor thing! That's a lot to go through - hope the boot fixes the problem! Her little blue outfit is so cute :)

Kyler, Jennifer, Olivia and Lucy said...

Poor thing! Hope the boot does the trick and she feels better soon.