Hollyhand House

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Update on my MIL:  

She is making progress!!  They have been able to pull a good bit of fluids off of her through the dialysis but she is also producing more urine on her own so that is great! Her swelling is coming down some.  The doctors are hoping to close her up either Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning.  Before closing her up, they are going to take care of a few problems she had prior to the aneurysm bursting which was a fistula and the abscess that she has.  They had not wanted to open her back up and were trying to try all other options first but since she is already open, they can hopefully take care of it now.  Thanks for all the prayers...just please continue to pray for her and our family. 


We fed A.R. cereal with a spoon for the first time Sunday night.   She caught on fast and seemed to really like it.  She was trying to grab the spoon and then would stick her fist in her mouth so what a wonderful mess...good thing bath time was next!  I can't wait for her to try different foods and I am so excited about making it!